How to look after your skin during Summer
It’s summer time in the UK and we don’t know your plans, but we know it may involve getting out of the house to enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.
Sun rays are extremely beneficial and necessary to us as they’re a great source of Vitamin D, however excessive exposure may cause damage to cells.
One of the most frequent and common consequences of excessive UV exposure is premature ageing.

1. Sun rays also known as UV rays hit the skin.
2. These rays are able to penetrate deeper days of the epidermis and dermis.
3. receptors are activated
4. When receptors are activated the skins elasticity reduces
5. A reduce elasticity removes the ability of the skin to stretch and return to it’s original form
6. This will cause more flaccid and wrinkly skin, resulting in an older appearance.
So,how should you take care of your busy during sunny days?
Casmara UK has a complete range to optimise protection while still enabling you to achieve that summer glowing tan.
All products from our Sun collection contain SPF30+ AND SPF50+ for the highest levels of protection.
Products should be applied before leaving the house and topped up every 2-3 hours.

These products will not only protect you from the sun, but will keep your skin moisturised with the nutrients you need on a daily basis.
The range includes;